Join us at our Pop-up at Anchorpoint 21 to 23 Feb 10 to 7 pm. Free local standard shipping with min purchase of S$80.

Our Story

Livconsciously started from the idea of conscious living. Imagine a feather blown by the wind, ending up wherever the wind leads it to. Some or many of us are just like this feather. We have been told what to do all our lives and lead our lives based on society’s expectations. Living a conscious life to me is about making deliberate choices based on your values and truths.

I was inspired to start Livconsciously with the realisation to live a life of choice rather than chance. To pay closer attention to life and make conscious choices, rather than doing things without thinking. I recognised the key immediate issues that our earth is facing. Environment degradation is happening at a rapid pace with climate change and the poor are the most affected. Mass consumption of products adds to climate change and exploitation of vulnerable communities. People are consuming products and lifestyles which are not socially conscious and eco-friendly. Social impact brands are also competing with the bigger players on an unequal playing field and sometimes have to compromise on their causes.

Livconsciously was created with the aim to nurture a society of conscious consumers and producers who protect the environment and vulnerable communities. We handcraft Livconsciously products using quality organic, natural ingredients with no synthetic harmful compounds. We also work with aligned partners to showcase their social impact initiatives. I hope that we can reach out to as many people as possible, changing behaviors and ultimately amplify the social impact. By supporting our initiatives, you are making conscious choices to make the world a better place. Thank you.